Friday, September 24, 2010

Moving on..

I have a very hard time letting things go, change isn't necessarily easy for me.  Right now especially :(
I am watching Nicks hockey game online, and I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that he lives in Canada now. I'm so proud of him, but it is hard to really believe he is up there.  It has only been a month since we last saw each other, and it seems like much much longer.  Hopefully he'll be getting the trade he wants, and I wont have to wait until Christmas to see him again. I miss having him play in Cody, Wyoming believe it or not... and watching this game right now makes me miss it even more.
I also really miss high school. All my other friends look at me like i'm crazy when I say that but it's true. I miss having my friends (true friends) around me all the time, going to play field hockey after school got out, and then going home to my loving family and spending the night at my house.  I miss being on a team, going to Friday night football games, lame/ innocent high school parties, being able to go home after all was said and done.  Maybe I am crazy, but so much of me misses that life I lived just 2 years ago.  I am honest, and don't mind saying that so far I have found college is  NOT for me.  I hate it. But I am doing my best to live it up while I can and do the best I can.  I hope change becomes an easier thing for me.
On a lighter note, my parents are coming up tomorrow :) We are all going to the Air Force vs. UW football game.  Although I doubt we'll win, it will still be fun to have them around. I love my family, I wish my brother was coming too.  And next weekend, I get to go home and do the Race for The Cure with my mom! God Bless everyone who has been affected by breast cancer.. I hope we find a cure soon, I am proud of myself for participating in this.
I just wrote a novel.. but I feel better writing my feelings out, even if nobody ever reads them. Yay blogging.


  1. I read them! I have felt the same way but hang in there. One day you will realize that you have to go into the real world and you will be so thankful for your degree.

  2. KT, I am proud of you for being honest with yourself and with others who read your blog. There are way too many "fakers" out there who are afraid to let people know how they really feel. You are truly a blessing to those who know and love you, so never forget that you have so much to offer others. I think that you will be a great school teacher so, if that is yoru dream, hang onto it and never give up! If Wyoming doesn't work out, there are other places where they can teach you what you need to know. I love you and miss you. And I am so proud of you for hanging in there and doing what you're doing. Talk with you soon! Love Dad
